
Kumpulan ebook sastra
Kumpulan ebook sastra

kumpulan ebook sastra kumpulan ebook sastra kumpulan ebook sastra

Developing 'Guessing Vocabulary' learning package to enrich vocabulary of Junior High School students.Developing computer-based snake-and-ladder vocabulary game for seventh grade students.Developing a prototype of interactive multimedia-based supplementary listening materials for grade eight students of JUnior High School usng Ispring Suite 8.Developing a computer-based vocabulary learning application "Lery" for the third grade pf Elementary School students.Conceptual metaphors in Adele's song lyrics.Analysis of reading comprehension questions in the English textbook for eleventh graders' based on Barrett's taxonomy.An English summative teacher-made test of Lintas Minat (cross-interest) classes in the 1st semester in SMAN 1 Kepanjen.An analysis of grammatical errors in first year students weekly journal in writing class.Accidental humors in English public notices in the Indonesian context.A linguistic analysis of pirate language used in the movie Pirates of Caribbean: At World's End.

Kumpulan ebook sastra